Facilitating Organization of
Seeking Ministry Partners, Philanthropists & Corporate Partners
Victory Mountain Lake Lure Project™ is a multi-purpose facility planned as a wellness retreat for USA veterans and an emergency preparedness educational training center. Additionally, we will sponsor children of our fallen heroes to attend a Christian camp in Lake Lure nearby the Victory Mountain facility.
The Stars Foundation™ is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit corporation and relies on donations to fund the Victory Mountain Lake Lure project. Tax receipts are sent to all corporate partners and private donors who support the Victory Mountain Lake Lure™.
PROPERTY OVERVIEW: We have identified 38 acres of undeveloped property. The proposed development will comprise of initial 38 acres, near the national recognized Lake Lure, with views of close by mountains and Chimney Rock State Park. The initial purchase of 38 acres will house the veterans retreat and wellness center, church, education and training center and non-profit retreat for conference attendees.

Victory Mountain
Training, Educational and Wellness Center
Land will be acquired by The Stars Foundation™, funded by ministry partners, Non Profits, Corporate partners, and philanthropists to establish a world renowned training, educational and wellness center and suffice as a global headquarters for The Stars Foundation™.
WHY: The VICTORY MOUNTAIN LAKE LURE Project will be used as a multi-purpose training facility for conference attendees, veterans’ wellness center and product training complex for new technology that advances the sustainable living conditions of the planet. We will train and educate national attendees from churches, organizations and universities in emergency preparedness and natural disaster responses. We will focus on team building and integrating platforms that enhance each other’s mandate.
HOW: We will work with private donors, non-profits, corporate and university partners together to share and educate the public and global leaders of advance technology in environment, wellness, food security, energy preservation, etc. A health and wellness program will be an additional component as we find ways to train cultures to nourish the families and veterans in times of food insecurity and at the same time, nourish the body, soul and mind.
These non-profit partners and corporations will send their leaders to Victory Mountain Lake Lure to host workshops, seminars and training weeks to educate the leadership, youth and next generation. Topics will focus on the sustainable living skills. These lecturers will be the guiding lights for the leaders of tomorrow in fields of environmental friendly energy, disaster response, orphan care, international relations, water purification and micro agriculture and sustainable farming, and aquaponics. Leading experts will be invited in to forums of their peers to network and advance the development and marketing of these leading world technologies.
Camp Victory Mountain
Camp Victory Mountain™ will be an amazing week of non-stop fun and excitement in the great outdoors. It’s for the children (ages 8 to 15) of brave military service members who have been injured or fallen protecting our freedom, our way of life. Camp Victory Mountain™ is a wonderful chance for kids to share amazing adventures and doing just about everything you can do enjoying fresh air and nature.
Camp Victory Mountain™ will hold 2 week-long camps for displaced children, youth at risk and military children with priority given to children of wounded, disabled or fallen military service members from the USA. Camp Victory Mountain™ provides a fun and developmental experience where kids are free to be kids, a part from the day-to-day challenges they face within their families. Campers participate in traditional camp experiences, including; horseback riding, zip lining, canoeing, swimming, fishing, archery, a ropes course and water based activities, while learning new skills, building character, and making new friends.
Camp Victory Mountain™ will work closely with our Non Profit Partners to operate the camps and serve the children. Our focus with The Stars Foundation™ is coordinate with non-profit veteran groups to help us host the children in the Lake Lure location of LureCrest Camp, for 2 weeks of the year. We will seek alternative locations with Camp Corral to host more children at other national camp locations as need arises.
Celebrity and Philanthropists Named Buildings and Amenities
Celebrities and Philanthropists may donate a substantial amount to underwrite an identified amount for a building listed below, and the building will be named in their honor. They may host an event that covers this donation if the event raises a minimum of $60,000.00.

1) Media Center - includes Television Studio, Radio Studio
2) The Chapel - seats approximately 50
3) Fire Pit & a Songwriters Den will complement the Assembly Hall - Indoor/outdoor Lounge Area with Fireplace
4) Dome Outdoor Amphitheater with a Stage

5) Multipurpose Assembly Hall - Contains open space Atrium and conference hall, with additional wings for 10 guest rooms, computer Café and Coffee and sandwich shop

6) Water Sports and Beach Stage - Collaborating with Lake Lure Community partners’; canoes, Wind Surfers, Jet skis, Kayaks, Fishing and a variety of outdoor recreational activities will be available to our Victory Mountain Guests

7) The Troops Village - 3 adult duplex cabins for couples, Family counseling and recreation and will serve as deployment reunion retreats and 1 cabin for Wounded Warriors and their spouses
8) Founders Chalet - 1 big Chalet type Timberblock home for multiple family or organizations retreat, and residences for the on property staff.
9) Wellness Center and Spa - To be sponsored by Leading Health and Wellness Companies
Celebrity Sponsors
Geoff Bodine, Brad Maule and Buddy Jewell and several others have committed to help raise some public awareness and participate in Radio-thons and other fundraisers to generate income for the project. We are inviting a major Celebrity from each sport, NASCAR, NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, and the music and movie industries to help us build the retreat and conference buildings.
Click to view Celebrity Supporters of past projects http://www.thestarsfoundation.net/celebrity-supporters.html
The rest of the buildings for the Lake Lure Victory Mountain Training Center™ will be built in stages, and we will be seeking Corporate America and private donors to place their names on the bigger buildings and fund them, as well as our celebrity partners.
803 18th Avenue South, Nashville, TN, 37203 Charlotte Motor Speedway, Suite 327, Concord, NC 28026
Contact: Roger J. Piggott Roger@TheStarsFoundation.net www.TheStarsFoundation.net 704 978 9054